This is pgintcl/REFERENCE, programmer's reference to pgintcl. Last updated for pgintcl-3.5.1 on 2017-11-12 The project home page is: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a concise reference to pgin.tcl commands in the version indicated above. For more information on the details of the commands, refer to the Pgtcl Reference Manual available with the pgtcl-ng project at Pgin.tcl attempts to emulate the command usage and behavior of pgtcl-ng wherever possible. (Note: The syntax ?...? refers to optional values, per the Tcl documentation.) CORE COMMANDS: pg_conndefaults Get the connection parameter defaults. Returns: A list of elements. Each element describes one connection parameter in the following form: { OptionName Display-label display-flag display-length default-value } For example, for the "user" parameter: { user Database-User {} 20 yourname } pg_connect -conninfo conninfo pg_connect -connlist connlist Connects to a database. There are 3 ways to specify the connection information (server host, port, credentials): Using -conninfo and a connection string, using -connlist and a connection list, or using -conninfo and a PostgreSQL connection URI. (The older form with separate dbname argument followed by options is not supported.) A connection string contains a series of 'option=value' entries, separated by spaces. Commonly used connection option names are: dbname host port user password Values need to be in single quotes if they contain spaces. Within single quoted values, use \\ for \ and \' for '. Note: pgintcl supports a much more limited set of options, compared to libpq. Use [pg_conndefaults] to see the list. A connection list is a Tcl list with alternating option name and option values. This form does not require special quoting or escaping, provided it is a proper Tcl list. A PostgreSQL connection URI has the form: postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/dbname The usual URI-escaping needs to be used (RFC 3986), for example if the password contains a : it must be written as %3A. More can be found in the libpq chapter in the PostgreSQL manual, but note pgintcl does not process URI options (param=value pairs after a '?' in the URI). Values default to environment variables or built-in defaults. Host defaults to the environment variable PGHOST, or to "localhost" if no PGHOST. (pgtcl-ng defaults to using a Unix Domain Socket in that case, but pgintcl does not support UDS.) Returns: A connection handle which is used with all other commands to access the database. Notes: No attempt is made to convert connection parameters such as username or database name between character sets. Non-ASCII characters in these parameters may not work properly. pg_disconnect db Disconnect from database. Also destroys any left-over result structures associated with this connection. Parameters: db Connection handle to close pg_select db query arrayName script Execute a query and iterate a command script over each result row. Parameters: db Connection handle query Query to execute, almost always a SELECT arrayName Name of an array variable. For each row, each column value is assigned to an element of this array with the column name as the index. script A command script to execute for each row. The script can use break, continue, error, and return. pg_exec db query ?args...? Execute SQL and return a result handle. If optional args are supplied, they replace parameters in the query (written as $1, $2, etc. - remember to escape the $ for Tcl). This can be used to insert parameters in SQL without concern for quoting or escaping. It only works with text arguments - it is not binary safe. See also pg_exec_params. Parameters: db Connection handle query Query to execute args... Optional argument values to replace $1, $2, etc. in the query. Returns: A result handle for use with pg_result. Must be freed when no longer needed. pg_execute ?-oid oidName? ?-array arrayName? db query ?script? Execute SQL and optionally iterate a script over the rows. This command can replace both pg_exec and pg_select in many cases. If -array is not given on a Select, a variable is created for each field in the query result. If no proc is supplied, only the first query result row is saved. Options: -oid oidName A variable to receive the OID of an inserted row -array arrayName An array variable name to store each row into Parameters: db Connection handle query Query to execute script Optional command script to execute for each row. The script can use break, continue, error, and return. Returns: The number of tuples queried or affected by the command. pg_result result option ?args? Get information about a result. The option indicates the desired information, which is returned by the command. Parameters: result A result handle returned by pg_exec, pg_exec_prepared, or pg_exec_params. option One of the command options listed below. args option-dependent command arguments. Returns: Depends on the command option Options: -status Returns the result status (see notes) -error ?c? Returns the error message if no code 'c' is provided, or a error field if a code is provided (see below). [Before 2.2.0, did not support optional 'c' parameter] -errorField ?c? Same as -error [Before 2.2.0, the 'c' parameter was required] -conn Returns the connection handle for this result -oid Returns the OID of an inserted tuple -numTuples Returns the number of tuples in the result -numAttrs Returns the number of attributes -assign A Assign the query result data to A(tuple,attribName) -assignbyidx A s Assign results to an array (see the pgtcl-ng docs) -getTuple N Return a list of values for tuple N -getNull N Returns a list of NULL flags for tuple N -tupleArray N A Store the Nth tuple in array A as A(attribName) -attributes Returns a list of attributes -lAttributes Returns a list of attributes as {{name type size}...} -lxAttributes Returns a list of extended information about attributes as: {{name type size size_modifier format table_OID table_column}...} -cmdTuples Returns the number of tuples INSERTed, DELETEd, UPDATEd -cmdStatus Returns the command status tag. -list Returns the result set as a list of values. -llist Returns the result set as a list of tuple data, each of which is a list of values. -numParams Returns the number of parameters in a prepared query. Only for use with a result from pg_describe_prepared. -paramTypes Returns a list of type OIDs for the parameters in a prepared query. Only for use with a result from pg_describe_prepared. -clear Deallocate the result structure. Returns nothing. -dict Returns the query results as a Tcl dictionary. Notes: Result status from pg_result -status is one of these string values: PGRES_TUPLES_OK PGRES_COMMAND_OK PGRES_FATAL_ERROR PGRES_COPY_OUT PGRES_COPY_IN PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY -oid returns 0 if the query was not an INSERT. -cmdTuples is an extension that emulates libpq PQcmdTuples. It is intended to return the number of rows affected by an SQL command that modifies rows, and returns an empty string for other commands. However, in PostgreSQL-9.0.0 and higher libpq also returns the number of rows from a SELECT query. Older releases returned an empty string for SELECT. For the most compatibility, you should always use -numTuples after SELECT queries, and -cmdTuples after other data modification queries. -cmdStatus is an extension which returns the command status tag. This is the SQL command (for example: "INSERT", "CREATE") possibly followed by additional data (such as the number of rows affected). -errorField is an extension to access error message subfields. As of 2.2.0, the error field name or code is optional in -errorField, and can also be supplied to pg_result -error. So -error and -errorField are now equivalent. The optional field name or code can be one of the following: Field name: Alias: Code: Notes: SEVERITY S Error severity, e.g. ERROR or FATAL SQLSTATE C 5-character SQL State code MESSAGE_PRIMARY PRIMARY M Primary error message MESSAGE_DETAIL DETAIL D Secondary / detailed message MESSAGE_HINT HINT H Hint, or suggestion STATEMENT_POSITION POSITION P Decimal integer cursor position CONTEXT W Error context, or call stack-trace SOURCE_FILE FILE F PostgreSQL source code filename SOURCE_LINE LINE L PostgreSQL source code line number SOURCE_FUNCTION FUNCTION R PostgreSQL function name SCHEMA_NAME s Schema name of the effected object TABLE_NAME t Table associated with the error COLUMN_NAME c Column associated with the error DATATYPE_NAME d Datatype associated with the error CONSTRAINT_NAME n Constraint name (Aliases were added for compatibility with another implementation.) Field names are not case sensitive. Starting with pgtclng-2.1.0 and pgintcl-3.5.0, the single character codes are case sensitive. (In prior releases they worked in either upper or lower case). This change was necessary when the new codes for Schema, Table, Column, Constraint, and Datatype were added. If the field name or code is defined, pg_result returns the value of that field (if available), else an empty string. Do not assume that any given error field is available for any specific error. The PostgreSQL server decides which fields to supply for each error condition, and does not necessarily supply the fields that you might expect. Note: pg_result -error or -errorField without a code returns the SEVERITY followed by the MESSAGE_PRIMARY as a single string. -lxAttributes is an extension. It returns the same information as -lAttributes plus additional information provided by the PostgreSQL server about the result attributes. -getNull is an extension. It returns a list with a flag for each column in the tuple. The flag is 1 is the column value is NULL, else 0. This gives you a way to tell if a database result column is NULL, which otherwise looks the same as an empty string. -numParams and -paramTypes are extensions (pgin.tcl-3.1.0). They return information about a prepared query, from a result structure returned by pg_describe_prepared. If used on a result structure that comes from any other command, the options return 0 and an empty list respectively. -dict is an extension (pgintcl-3.3.0). It only works with Tcl 8.5 or higher, since older versions do not support dictionaries. The returned value is a Tcl dictionary with one entry for each query result row, using the zero-based row number as the key. The value of each entry is a dictionary containing field names as keys, and field values as values. For an example of usage, if 'd' is a dictionary returned by pg_result -dict, [dict get $d 5 name] returns the value of the 'name' column in the 6th result row. pg_listen ?-pid? db name ?script? Listen for PostgreSQL notifications and call a procedure proc, or unlisten. See NOTIFICATIONS below. Parameters: -pid Option indicating notifying PID should be passed to script. db Connection handle name Notification condition name to start or stop listening for script If provided, command script to call when notification arrives. If not provided, clear current notification listen for condition 'name'. Note PostgreSQL-9.0 documentation refers to the 'name' as a 'channel'. The script should accept an optional 'payload' argument, which will be provided if the SQL NOTIFY command includes a non-empty payload. This requires PostgreSQL-9.0.0 or higher, and pgin.tcl-3.2.0 or higher. If the -pid option is used, the script should also accept a PID argument before the payload argument. pg_escape_string ?db? str Escape a string for including in SQL strings. That is, returns str with single quotes doubled up, and possibly backslashes doubled too. See also pg_quote. Parameters: db Optional database connection handle (see notes) str String to escape Returns: The escaped string. Notes: The behavior of pg_escape_string in pgin.tcl (and pgtcl-ng) is not compatible with the behavior in another Pgtcl implementation, where pg_escape_string is now synonymous with pg_quote. The optional db argument, if supplied, is used to determine the standard_conforming_strings setting for the database, and that is used to determine if backslashes need to be doubled. If no db argument is given, the setting used is that of the most recent connected database (or the one with a most recently changed standard_conforming_strings setting). Libpq-based interfaces also use db to determine the character set encoding, in order to properly handle multibyte sequences and avoid a possible security issue. Pgin.tcl does not have this capability. pg_quote ?db? str Escape a string for including in SQL strings, and return it with leading and trailing quotes. These commands are equivalent: set s '[pg_escape_string $str]' set s [pg_quote $str] See also pg_escape_string. Parameters: db Optional database connection handle (see notes) str String to escape Returns: The escaped string inside single quotes. Notes: The optional db argument, if supplied, is used to determine the standard_conforming_strings setting for the database, and that is used to determine if backslashes need to be doubled. If no db argument is given, the setting used is that of the most recent connected database (or the one with a most recently changed standard_conforming_strings setting). Libpq-based interfaces also use db to determine the character set encoding, in order to properly handle multibyte sequences and avoid a possible security issue. Pgin.tcl does not have this capability. pg_escape_identifier db str Escape and quote a string for use as an SQL identifier (for example, a table or column name). The return value includes opening and closing double quotes. Parameters: db Database connection handle (ignored) str String to escape Returns: The escaped string inside double quotes. Notes: The db argument is required, but ignored by Pgin.tcl. Libpq-based interfaces use db to determine the character set encoding, in order to properly handle multibyte sequences and avoid a possible security issue. Pgin.tcl does not have this capability. pg_escape_literal db str Escape and quote a string for use as an SQL literal (string constant). The return value includes opening and closing quotes. This is functionally equivalent to pg_quote (see above), but implemented differently, and the result is independent of the setting of standard_conforming_strings. Parameters: db Database connection handle (ignored) str String to escape Returns: The escaped string inside single quotes. Notes: The db argument is required, but ignored by Pgin.tcl. Libpq-based interfaces use db to determine the character set encoding, in order to properly handle multibyte sequences and avoid a possible security issue. Pgin.tcl does not have this capability. pg_escape_bytea ?db? binstr Escape a binary string for including in SQL strings, intended for use with bytea (byte array) columns. Parameters: db Optional database connection handle (see notes) binstr String to escape. This can contain arbitrary binary data. Returns: The escaped string. Put it in single quotes when using in SQL. Notes: This is slow on large strings. Consider using binary prepared queries instead. The optional db argument, if supplied, is used to determine the standard_conforming_strings setting for the database, and that is used to determine if backslashes need to be doubled. If no db argument is given, the setting used is that of the most recent connected database (or the one with a most recently changed standard_conforming_strings setting). PostgreSQL-9.0.0 introduced a new hex encoding format, but pgin.tcl always uses the older escape encoding with pg_escape_bytea. pg_unescape_bytea str Unescape a string coming back from a PostgreSQL query on a bytea (byte array) column, and return the original binary string. Parameters: str String to unescape. This should be the result of a query on a bytea column; other uses are undefined (see notes) Returns: The unescaped binary string. Notes: Consider using binary prepared queries instead, for better performance. This command does not fully emulate the corresponding libpq function PQunescapeBytea, and will return different results for some strings. But it is designed to return the correct data for all strings which can possibly be returned by a PostgreSQL server in response to a query on a bytea column. So it should act correctly when used in the intended way. This command can decode both 'escape' and 'hex' mode encodings, so it will work with PostgreSQL-9.0.0 and new servers even with the default bytea_output='hex' setting. Older versions of pgin.tcl may not properly decode hex mode data, nor will they detect the error. pg_encrypt_password password username Encrypts a password for the given username, in the same way that the PostgreSQL server does. This is intended for use with commands like ALTER USER which can take a pre-encrypted password. Parameters: password The password string to encrypt username The username that goes with the password to encrypt Returns: The encrypted password string, which looks like this: "md5..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXTENSIONS: pgin.tcl has some extended commands and variables. These commands do not exist in the original libpgtcl which was bundled with PostgreSQL, and may not exist in other implementations of the Pgtcl interface. pg_notice_handler db ?command? Query or set a command to handle Notice or Warning messages. If the command is supplied, sets the handler to that command, and returns the previous command. If the command is not supplied, returns the current handler command. See NOTICES below. Parameters: db Connection handle command Command to execute on receipt of notice or warning Returns: The previous handler command pg_endcopy result This must be called after SQL COPY FROM or COPY TO completes. See COPY FROM/TO below. Parameters: result Result handle on which a COPY is done. pg_copy_read result Read the next line (record) for SQL COPY TO STDOUT. Returns the line read, or an empty string when COPY is done. The returned line does not end in a newline, so you can just split it on tab to get the column values. With PostgreSQL-7.4 support, you must use this routine for COPY TO STDOUT; reading from the socket no longer works. Parameters: result Result handle on which a COPY is active. Returns: The line read from the server, or empty when done. pg_copy_write result line Write one line (record) $line for SQL COPY FROM STDIN. The passed argument must not end in a newline. With PostgreSQL-7.4 support, you must use this routine for COPY FROM STDIN; writing to the socket no longer works. Parameters: result Result handle on which a COPY is active. line One record to write to the server. $pgtcl::version This variable has the pgin.tcl version number. The existence of this variable can also be used to determine if pgin.tcl has been loaded. Note: This is deprecated in favor of using Tcl's package management. Use [package present pgintcl] to test for pgin.tcl and get its version. pg_callfn db fname result arginfo arg... pg_callfn_int db fname arginfo arg... These two commands allow access to the PostgreSQL back-end "fast-path" function call interface. This is not intended for routine use. See the INTERNALS document for more information. pg_parameter_status db param Fetch the value of a parameter supplied by a PostgreSQL-7.4 or higher backend. Returns the value of the named parameter (or an empty string if no such parameter has been sent by the backend). The following parameters are commonly sent by the backend: client_encoding DateStyle is_superuser server_encoding server_version session_authorization Parameters: db Connection handle param Name of the parameter to get the value of pg_exec_params db query res_formats arg_formats arg_types arg... Parse SQL statement, bind parameters, and execute statement. This is similar to pg_exec_prepared (see below), but doesn't use a pre-prepared statement, and if you want to binary parameters you must also provide the type OIDs. res_formats is a list (but see note below) describing the query result columns, and arg_formats is a list describing the query parameter formats, as follows. An empty list means all parameters or result columns are text (or, that there are no parameters/result columns). A single word "TEXT" (or "T"), or "BINARY" (or "B"), indicates the format of all parameters or of all result columns. Finally, a list of those words indicates the format of each individual parameter or result column. For example: {} All text format T All text format T B One text, one binary format B B B Three binary format Parameters: db Connection handle query Query to execute, may contain parameters $1, $2, ... res_formats A list describing results: B* => binary, else text arg_formats A list describing args: B* => Binary, else Text. arg_types A list of type OIDs for each argument (if Binary). args Variable number of arguments to bind to the query params. Returns: A result handle, for use with pg_result. Notes: There is no support for passing NULL arguments If there are any binary format arguments, an arg_type must be specified for each argument, although the value will be ignored for each text format argument. libpq does not support mixed Text/Binary result columns in prepared queries. Although pgin.tcl does, this is not recommended because it will not be compatible with libpq-based versions of the pgtcl interface. So the res_formats argument should contain at most a single word. pg_exec_prepared db stmt_name res_formats arg_formats arg... Executes a pre-prepared SQL statement with text and/or binary parameters and text and/or binary result columns. Parameter place-holders in the prepared statement are designated $1, $2, etc. This allows binding arguments to SQL statement parameters without quoting problems, and sending and receiving raw binary data. The statement must be prepared with the SQL command PREPARE statement_name (args) AS ... res_formats is a list (but see note below) describing the query result columns, and arg_formats is a list describing the query parameter formats, as follows. An empty list means all parameters or result columns are text (or, that there are no parameters/result columns). A single word "TEXT" (or "T"), or "BINARY" (or "B"), indicates the format of all parameters or of all result columns. Finally, a list of those words indicates the format of each individual parameter or result column. (See pg_exec_params) Parameters: db Connection handle stmt_name Name of a pre-prepared SQL statement res_formats A list describing results: B* => binary, else text arg_formats A list describing args: B* => Binary, else Text. args Variable number of arguments to bind to the query params. Returns: A result handle, for use with pg_result. Notes: There is no support for passing NULL arguments libpq does not support mixed Text/Binary result columns in prepared queries. Although pgin.tcl does, this is not recommended because it will not be compatible with libpq-based versions of the pgtcl interface. So the res_formats argument should contain at most a single word. pg_transaction_status db Returns the current in-transaction status. Parameters: db Connection handle Returns: The status - one of the following strings: IDLE (Connection is idle, not in a transaction) INTRANS (Connection is idle, in a valid transaction block) INERROR (Connection is in a failed transaction block) UNKNOWN (Connection is bad or in an unknown state) pg_describe_prepared db stmt_name Get a result structure with information about a prepared statement. Parameters: db Connection handle stmt_name The name of an existing prepared statement. (See the SQL PREPARE command.) Returns: A result handle for use with pg_result. Must be freed when no longer needed. Notes: The returned result structure will have no data rows, only attribute (column) information, and parameter information, and the status will be PGRES_COMMAND_OK if successful. If the prepared statement has parameters, then information about the parameters is available using pg_result -numParams and pg_result -paramTypes. pg_describe_cursor db cursor_name Get a result structure with information about a cursor (portal). Parameters: db Connection handle cursor_name The name of an existing cursor. (See the SQL DECLARE command.) Note the PostgreSQL documentation refers to cursors as 'portals'. Returns: A result handle for use with pg_result. Must be freed when no longer needed. Notes: The result structure will have no data rows, only attribute (column) information, and the status will be PGRES_COMMAND_OK if successful. pg_backend_pid db Get the backend process ID (PID). Parameters: db Connection handle Returns: A process ID. This is an integer, and uniquely identifies this client connection from all others connected to the same PostgreSQL server. Notes: The returned value is a PID on the server, not client. pg_server_version db Get the PostgreSQL server software version as an integer. Parameters: db Connection handle Returns: An integer representing the PostgreSQL server's version (that is, the version of PostgreSQL running on the server for this connection handle.) This is a representation of the same information in the server_version parameter (see pg_parameter_status). For PostgreSQL releases through 9.x, there are are two digits allocated to each of the major, minor, and release levels. For example, if connected to a PostgreSQL-9.6.5 server, the return value is 90605. For PostgreSQL releases starting with 10.x, there are 2 digits for the major version, 2 digits of 0, and 2 digits for the minor version. For example, if connected to a PostgreSQL-10.1 server, the return value is 100001. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LARGE OBJECTS: pgin.tcl implements the Large Object commands of libpgtcl. Remember that these routines must be used inside transactions. Also note that you, not PostgreSQL, are responsible for tracking the large objects by their OIDs in your database schema tables. So for example you will generally have to pair a database INSERT with a pg_lo_creat, and a database DELETE with a pg_lo_unlink. All of the Large Object commands throw a Tcl error if an error occurs, with the exception of pg_lo_read and pg_lo_write, which return -1 on error. This is inconsistent, but the read and write commands were already documented in the PostgreSQL manual to return -1 on error, so that is how pgin.tcl implements them. Error behavior of the other routines was not documented; as coded some returned a negative number and some threw an error. The decision to have the pgin.tcl implementation of these commands always throw a Tcl error was made because otherwise there is no way to get at the error message text. It is possible that future versions of the interface will also have pg_lo_read and pg_lo_write throw a Tcl error if an error occurs. pg_lo_creat db mode Create a large object. Mode should be one of the strings INV_READ, INV_WRITE, or INV_READ|INV_WRITE, although to be honest I do not know what the difference is. As an extension, to be compatible with pg_lo_open, this command also accepts mode of "r", "w", or "rw". Parameters: db Connection handle mode Mode to create large object: INV_READ|INV_WRITE Returns: A large object OID, which you should promptly insert into a table. pg_lo_open db loid mode Open a large object and returns a large object file descriptor. Mode can be "r", "w", or "rw" specifying read and/or write. As an extension, to be compatible with pg_lo_creat and libPQ, this command also accepts mode of INV_READ, INV_WRITE, or "INV_READ|INV_WRITE". The $loid usually comes from the return value of pg_lo_creat directly, or indirectly as an oid-type field in a table. Parameters: db Connection handle loid Large Object ID identifying the large object to open mode Mode to open large object in: "r", "w", "rw" Returns: A large object file descriptor (a lofd) for use with the commands below. pg_lo_close db lofd Close a large object opened with pg_lo_open. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to close pg_lo_unlink db loid Delete a large object. Parameters: db Connection handle loid Large Object ID identifying the large object to delete pg_lo_read db lofd buf_name maxlen Read from a large object. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to read from buf_name Name of the buffer variable to read into maxlen Maximum number of bytes to read from the large object Returns: The number of bytes actually read, 0 on end of large object, -1 on error. pg_lo_write db lofd buf len Write to a large object. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to write to buf Buffer containing data to write to the large object len Maximum number of bytes to write from buf to the large object. (If buf has fewer than len bytes, just write all of buf.) Returns: The number of bytes actually written, -1 on error. pg_lo_lseek db lofd offset whence pg_lo_lseek64 db lofd offset whence Reposition the (virtual) file position pointer in a large object. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to position offset New position, interpreted per "whence" whence Position mode: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, or SEEK_END specifying that offset is a byte count relative to start of large object, current position, or end of large object respectively. Notes: pg_lo_lseek64 is identical to pg_lo_lseek except that the 'offset' parameter can be a larger value than fits in 32 bits. Use pg_lo_lseek64 with large objects that can exceed 2GB in size. pg_lo_lseek64 only works when connected to a PostgreSQL-9.3.0 or higher server. pg_lo_tell db lofd pg_lo_tell64 db lofd Get the current large object position pointer. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to get position of. Returns: The integer (virtual) file offset of the current file position pointer in the large object. Notes: pg_lo_tell64 is identical to pg_lo_tell except that the return value can be a larger value than fits in 32 bits. Use pg_lo_tell64 with large objects that can exceed 2GB in size. pg_lo_tell64 only works when connected to a PostgreSQL-9.3.0 or higher server. pg_lo_import db filename Create a new large object, and import the contents of a file into it. Parameters: db Connection handle filename Pathname of a file to import as a large object Returns: A large object OID, which you should promptly insert into a table. pg_lo_export db loid filename Export a large object and write its contents into a file. Parameters: db Connection handle loid Large Object ID identifying the large object to export filename Pathname of a file to export the large object into pg_lo_truncate db lofd len pg_lo_truncate64 db lofd len Truncate a large object to a specified size. Parameters: db Connection handle lofd Large Object file descriptor to get position of. len New length in bytes for the large object. Notes: pg_lo_truncate only works when connected to a PostgreSQL-8.3.0 or higher server. pg_lo_truncate64 is identical to pg_lo_truncate except that the 'len' parameter can be a larger value than fits in 32 bits. Use pg_lo_truncate64 with large objects that can exceed 2GB in size. pg_lo_truncate64 only works when connected to a PostgreSQL-9.3.0 or higher server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICES: If the backend sends a notice or warning message, the notice handler will be executed with the text of the notice as the final parameter. The default procedure just prints the message to stderr (like libpq does). You may replace this by defining your own procedure and using the command: pg_notice_handler $conn_handle "notice_command ..." The actual message will be appended as an additional argument to your command. If you want to suppress notice and warning messages completely, you can set the notice handler to an empty string. For example, if you need to temporarily suppress notices and warnings, use something like this: set save_handler [pg_notice_handler $conn_handle {}] ... commands with no notice or warning messages reported ... pg_notice_handler $conn_handle $save_handler But note that a better way to ignore NOTICE messages is to increase the message threshold with: SET CLIENT_MIN_MESSAGES TO WARNING Don't confuse Notices with Notification. Notice and warning messages are generated by the server in response to a command from the client, but do not imply failure of the command so they don't affect the result status. An example of a notice is index creation as a result of creating a table with a primary key. An example of a warning is if ROLLBACK is issued outside a transaction. By contrast, notifications are messages sent on behalf of another database client. Previous versions of this interface used the following syntax instead: pg_configure $conn_handle notice "notice_command ..." This is still supported but deprecated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTIFICATIONS: Support for backend notifications differs from pgtcl-ng. With pgtcl-ng, the notification will be received as soon as Tcl enters the idle loop, e.g. if you use "update". pgtcl-ng does not need to be reading from the backend to get a notification. With pgin.tcl, the notification from the backend will only be seen while something is being read from the backend; that is, during pg_exec, pg_select, or pg_execute processing. After a notification is read, it will be delivered the next time Tcl enters the idle loop. If pg_listen is used without the -pid option, the handler command should be declared like this (not counting any additional, fixed arguments supplied in the pg_listen command): proc notification_handler {{payload ""}} { ... } If pg_listen is used with the -pid option, the handler command should be declared like this: proc notification_handler {pid {payload ""}} { ... } Starting with pgin.tcl-3.4.0, the notification name (called 'channel name' in PostgreSQL-9.0 and up) is treated in the same manner as SQL regarding case sensitivity. That is, it is converted to lower case unless it is placed in double quotes. Note this means an additional level of quotes, not counting those used by the Tcl parser. If the name is in double quotes, the quotes are stripped and the case is preserved. This means the following 3 listen / notify pairs will work: 1) Pgtcl: pg_listen $db mychannel mycommand SQL: NOTIFY mychannel; or NOTIFY MYCHANNEL; or NOTIFY MyChannel; 2) Pgtcl: pg_listen $db MYCHANNEL mycommand SQL: same notifications as case #1 work. 3) Pgtcl: pg_listen $db {"MyChannel"} ... SQL: NOTIFY "MyChannel"; This will not work, because PostgreSQL will downcase the notification chanel name in the NOTIFY command, and it will not match the listening name: 4) Pgtcl: pg_listen $db {"MyChannel"} ... SQL: NOTIFY MyChannel; Note: pgtclng has always worked this way, downcasing the name unless it was in double quotes. Pgin.tcl-3.3.0 and earlier always preserved case on the name, and did not handle quoted names. For maximum compatibility, use lower case names with pg_listen and NOTIFY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY FROM/TO: Front-end copy is a bulk import or export operation where multiple rows are sent between the PostgreSQL back-end and client front-end with minimal formatting. This is implemented in PostgreSQL with the following SQL: COPY tablename TO STDOUT; -- Export table COPY tablename FROM STDIN; -- Import table Each row is transmitted as one line, with columns separated by a delimiter which defaults to tab, backslash (\) escaping of control characters, and \N used for NULL. (Note: You never have to use COPY FROM/TO. You can always use the standard SQL SELECT and INSERT instead. COPY FROM/TO is said to be more efficient for large amounts of data.) The COPY protocol changed with PostgreSQL-7.4, and it is no longer possible to directly read and write to the connection handle as with previous versions of pgin.tcl. You must use the routines below to read and write records during COPY. This is currently incompatible with libpgtcl. To copy out a table, first issue "COPY tablename TO STDOUT" using pg_exec. The result status will change to PGRES_COPY_OUT. Then use pg_copy_read to read each record. Returned records will not end in a newline. Repeat pg_copy_read until it returns an empty string, then execute pg_endcopy. For example: while {[set line [pg_copy_read $result_handle]] != ""} { ... Process record in $line ... } pg_endcopy $result_handle After pg_endcopy returns, the result status should be PGRES_COMMAND_OK if the copy was successful. To copy in a table, first issue "COPY tablename FROM STDIN" using pg_exec. The result status will change to PGRES_COPY_IN. Then use pg_copy_write to write each record. Do not append a newline to the record. Repeat pg_copy_write until you are done, then execute pg_endcopy. For example: while {... more data to send ...} { pg_copy_write $result_handle $tab_separated_data_line } pg_endcopy $result_handle After pg_endcopy returns, the result status should be PGRES_COMMAND_OK if the copy was successful. Do not write or expect to read the old COPY delimiter "\.". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENCODINGS: (New at pgin.tcl-3.0.0) Pgin.tcl converts all text sent to PostgreSQL (query strings, COPY FROM data, text-mode parameters of prepared queries, and prepared statement names) into UTF-8 (Unicode). It converts all text received from PostgreSQL (query results which are text-mode, error/notice/notify strings, COPY TO data, field names) back from UTF-8 (Unicode). (This happens implicitly in the compiled versions of the Tcl interface, but Pgin.tcl has to do it explicitly.) Pgin.tcl informs the PostgreSQL server that it will be using Unicode when communicating with the server. This is the same behavior as the libpq-based versions of the Tcl PostgreSQL interface. We do this because Tcl uses Unicode internally, and using Unicode allows for different client and server character sets without loss of information. PostgreSQL converts between this Unicode data and the database encoding, if necessary. For example, if the database encoding is Latin1, then Latin1 characters will be stored in the database, because PostgreSQL converts the Tcl-supplied UTF-8 (Unicode) into Latin1. If the client application also uses Latin1, then data is converted twice in each direction: for sending over the communications link in Unicode, and then in the server or client back to Latin1. Provided the database encoding is correct, translation will happen transparently to the client application. Other non-Tcl applications, such as psql, will also be able to access the data correctly provided they set their client_encoding parameter. * * * CAUTION * * * Do not store non-ASCII characters in character or text fields in a PostgreSQL database which was created with encoding SQL_ASCII. The SQL_ASCII encoding provides no information to PostgreSQL on how to translate characters, so the server will be unable to translate. Applications using a Tcl interface, including pgin.tcl, will encode these characters using UTF-8 for storage in the database, but PostgreSQL will not know it due to the SQL_ASCII encoding setting. The result is that it may be impossible to access the data correctly from other applications. Always use the correct encoding when creating a database: for example, LATIN1 or Unicode. Pgin.tcl-2.x and older do not convert to/from Unicode and do not set client_encoding at all. These older versions may not work with non-ASCII characters in any database encoding. At this time, Pgin.tcl does not recode connection string parameters Username, Database Name, or Password. Non-ASCII characters in these fields will probably not work. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------